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2003.9-2004.9,visiting scholar at the University of Regina, Canada


1. 973课题:山区小流域暴雨洪水演进过程与山洪灾害形成机理(2011CB409901)

2. 973子题:堤防溃决过程与洪水数值预报技术研究(2007CB714106-03)

3. 自然科学基金:极端条件下城市山洪灾害的形成机理与模拟方法研究(50823005)

4. 科技支撑专题:三峡-葛洲坝梯级枢纽联合调度评估分析关键技术(2008BAB29B09-05)

5. 科技支撑专题:藏东横断山区水土流失机理与模拟研究(2007BAC06B06-04)

6. 水利部行业公益项目专题:黄河中游清涧河流域产沙输沙模型应用研究(200901016-03)


1. He L, Wang G Q, and Fu X D. Disaggregation model of daily rainfall and its application in the Xiaolihe watershed, Yellow River. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2010, 16(1): 11-18

2. Fu X D, Jiang L W, Wu B S, Hu C H, Wang G Q, and Fei X J. Sediment delivery raito and its uncertainties on flood event scale: Quantification for the Lower Yellow River. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2010, 53 (3):854-862

3. Fu X D, Sun Q C, Wang G Q, and Ma H B. Kinetic modeling of dilute solid-liquid two-phase flows with inelastic collisions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(23): 4358-4364

4. Duan J G, He L, Fu X D, and Wang G Q. Mean flow and turbulence around experimental spur dike. Advances in Water Resources, 2009, 32(12): 1717-1725

5. Wang G Q, Fu X D, Huang Y F, and Huang G. Analysis of suspended sediment transport in open-channel flows: kinetic-model-based simulation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2008, 134 (3): 328-339

6. Wang G Q, Liu F, Fu X D, and Li T J. Simulation of dam breach development for emergency treatment of the Tangjiashan Quake Lake in China. Science in China, Series E., 2008, 51(Supp.II): 82-94

7. Wu B S, Xia J Q, Fu X D, Zhang Y F, and Wang G Q. Effect of altered flow regime on bankfull area of the Lower Yellow River, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2008, 33: 1585-1601

8. Fu X D, Wang G Q, Kang Z C, and Fei X J. Planar velocity distribution of viscous debris flow at Jiangjia Ravine, Yunnan, China: A field measurement using two radar velocimeters. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2007, 12(4): 583-587

9. Fu X D, Wang G Q, and Shao X J. Vertical dispersion of fine and coarse sediments in turbulent open-channel flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2005, 131 (10): 877-888

10. Wang G Q, Fu X D, and Wang X K. Kinetic modeling of constitutive relations for particle motion in low to moderately concentrated flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2005, 20(4): 305-318


