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中国水资源短缺与缓解策略 Water Scarcity and Its Mitigation in China



        报告题目:中国水资源短缺与缓解策略 Water Scarcity and Its Mitigation in China



        报告地点地点:清华大学泥沙馆数字厅 报告


       报告人简介:刘俊国,南方科技大学教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才,享受国务院特殊津贴。长期从事水资源和生态修复方面的科研和教学工作,在水资源时空演变、水质性缺水评价和河流生态修复等方面取得了系统性创新成果。在《自然》、《科学》、《美国科学院院报》、《自然-气候变化》、《自然-可持续性》、《自然-通讯》等国内外刊物发表论文139篇,其中SCI收录105篇。以第一作者出版专著3部,译著1部。所发文章被引用5100余次(Google Scholar)。发表Science论文1篇(共同通讯作者),PNAS论文2篇(第一或通讯作者),Nature论文1篇(共同作者),Nature子刊论文4篇;其中7篇论文入选全球ESI高被引论文。          

       报告摘要:How to meet human’s water demand is one of the grand global challenges. China’s water scarcity has become a serious constraint and over 70% of populations are living in water scarce regions. A large amount of investment has been directed to develop “gray” water infrastructure to alleviate the water scarcity problems, including over twenty major physical water transfer projects with a total length of over 7200 km. Meanwhile, a large amount of virtual water has been traded among regions. It is not known whether the water redistributions through virtual and physical forms can be effective in mitigating regional water stress in China. To answer this question, we report on our quantification of China’s physical and virtual water flows at the provincial level. Our results show that, at the national level, physical water flows because of the major water transfer projects amounted to 4.5% of national water supply, whereas virtual water flows accounted for 35% in 2007. Furthermore, our analysis shows that both physical and virtual water flows do not play a major role in mitigating water stress in the water-receiving regions but exacerbate water stress for the water-exporting regions of China. Improving water use efficiency is key to mitigating water stress. Meanwhile, we conclude that there should be a renewed focus on “green” infrastructure, which can be more flexible and cost effective for providing benefits besides water provision. Supplementing or integrating gray infrastructure with biophysical systems is critical to meet current and future water needs.      
