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Bridging the gap between the computational fluid, solid and multibody dynamics


报告题目:Bridging the gap between the computational fluid, solid and multibody dynamics

报 告 人:Liang Yang(杨倞)

邀 请 人:潘坚文




报告人简介:杨倞,助理教授,博士毕业于英国斯旺西大学辛克维奇计算中心(2015年)。2015年至2019年分别在英国Imperial College London,University of Bristol和City, University of London 从事博士后研究工作。于2019年进入Department of Energy & Power Cranfield University工作至今。主要研究方向包括有限元分析、流固耦合、湍流、波浪模拟、连续介质力学、大规模计算等。开发了自主产权计算软件MacSol(基与 fortran 和 matlab构架的多物理场耦合有限体积求解器)和PyEFEM(基于fortran 与 python 构架的有限元求解器,可以求解上10亿自由度的湍流噪声问题,已在布里斯托大学超算BlueCrystal,帝国理工大学超算 Cx2, 伦敦大学学院超算 Thomas和天河 2 号测试)。

报告摘要:The numerical solution of incompressible large flexible/rigid/multibody/multiphase flow interaction problems is extremely important and commonplace in many engineering applications: from coastal engineering, civil engineering, marine renewables to biomechanics. Traditionally, each coupled system is modelled separately with additional jump conditions, which needs to be considered on the interfaces. In this talk, a novel general framework for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction problems involving rigid bodies, flexible solids articulated multibody and multiphase flows will be presented. All the continuum (solids, fluids, multibody) is modelled in Eulerian framework with velocity and stress as the primary variables, similar to Navier-Stokes Equations. With additional indicator function, the coupling system is discretised based on standard Marker-and-Cell method in conjunction with a fractional step approach for the pressure/velocity decoupling, similar to multiphase flow problems. Many numerical examples will be presented in order to demonstrate the robustness and applicability of the new methodology.
