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Turbidity Currents in Lakes and Reservoirs



       Open-channel inflows into lakes and reservoirs are vectors of momentum, sediments, nutrients, oxygen, heat and anth-ropogenic contamination. The inflow of sediments leads to reservoir sedimentation and underwater avalanches that threaten infrastructure. The spreading and mixing of the introduced quantities control the water quality, which is of paramount importance for drinking water supply, beach water quality, and fisheries. Negatively buoyant inflows plunge under the lighter surface waters of the reservoir or lake. This plunging process is accompanied by intense mixing, and conditions the characteristics of the subsequent underflow along the bottom of the receiving water body. The density of the underflow changes during its propagation due to mixing with ambient water and exchanges of sediment with the bottom. When the underflow reaches its depth of neutral buoyancy, it lifts of the bottom and forms an intrusion. Insight in the plunging, underflow and intrusion processes is still incomplete.


About the Speaker

Full professor in Hydraulic Engineering at Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) and the Associate Editor of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. His research covers a wide range of topics in hydraulics, hydrology, geomorphology and ecology, such as acoustic velocity measuring technology, numerical models coupling flow and hydrology at the watershed scale to ecological processes, processes at the interface of fluid mechanics and ecology, etc. In the last decade, Prof. Blanckaert Koen built collaborations between Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland), Delft University of Technology (TUD, The Netherlands), the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB, Germany), the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS, China), and Tsinghua University (China).

时间:410日(周二)上午 10:00-11:00


报告人:Koen Blanckaert, Ph.D., Professor, TU Wien, Research Center of Hydraulic Engineering  

报告题目:Turbidity Currents in Lakes and Reservoirs

邀请人:徐梦珍 副教授
